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KoschtIT Image Gallery is a free and open-source image gallery PHP-script. It can be used to add image galleries to existing webpages very easily. The appearance of each gallery can be individually customized. The only prerequisite for using the script is PHP5 with GD2 support. The pictures aren't displayed in an extra window, instead they are opened directly on top of your HTML document. Therefore your website background gets shaded.
There is also an admin panel, which enables the site administrator to write picture comments and edit gallery settings. Gallery visitors can write viewer comments to any picture. Navigation via keyboard is available too. More features are: slidewhows, automatic thumb generation, image to window size reduction, image preloading, previews for the next/last picture, show geotagging information (via EXIF) ...
In order to get a first impression here you have a small demo. You can show single pictures as well as gather a set of pictures to a gallery.
Single pictures
More examples with webpages that use the script can be found in the forum.
KoschtIT Image Gallery v3.2Changelog
- Added: Support for exif metadata available for display in picture labels
- Added: Auto-rotate pictures based on exif orientation metadata during upload
- Changed: Added a prefix to all global variables to maximize compatibility with other php software ( /thread-459.html )
- Changed: Noscript-Tags <noscript> removed to allow search robots to index gallery
- Fixed: Renamed/overwritten images didn't show up properly in gallery
- Fixed: Empty hole after deleting an image when $pic_order is set to 4 ( /thread-456.html )
- Fixed: Some special characters like + and & caused login errors ( /thread-457.html )
- Fixed: Picture labels wider than image in some rare cases
- Fixed: Wrong labels being displayed if browsing fast through images
- Fixed: Some smaller bugs and performance improvements
You can view a changelog of older releases in the changelog.txt inside the script-archive.
If you consider to make a donation, please use PayPal. Especially if you are using the script in a commercial project a donation would be strongly appreciated. Thanks. In case you don't have PayPal but still want to donate an amount, you can ask me for my banking details by writing to kkokus[a_t]web[do_t]de .
If you still have some questions you can use the comment functionality. You may also write me an email to kkokus[a_t]web[do_t]de . Just let me now what you think about the script. I appreciate every note.
Add a comment
Support requests inside these comments are not answered anymore. Please use the support forum for this purpose.
posted on 05/19/2015
It is a very good script.
Is there a way to prohibit "customer" comments on pictures/galleries?
» You need to disable $ki_viewercomments in the admin panel.
posted on 05/13/2015
very nice
problem solvedposted by Gheorghe on 05/04/2015 Gicu[a_t]bk[do_t]ru http://liger.esy.es
Disable PHP zlib.output_compression
Your wonderful script, at me, is not working.posted by George on 05/04/2015 Gicu[a_t]bk[do_t]ru http://liger.esy.es
Warning: ob_start(): output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression' in /home/u701695497/public_html/ki_base/ki_nojs.php on line 2
Your wonderful script, at me, is not working.posted by George on 05/04/2015 Gicu[a_t]bk[do_t]ru http://liger.esy.es
my site is: http://liger.esy.es/
my code is
----------- index.php --------------
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head><?php include_once("ki_include.php"); ?></head>
<div class="koschtitgallery" title="sample"></div>
<div class="koschtitgallery" title="images"></div>
very different from the work on your site.
I can not go to the admin panel.
Question about loginposted by Loek on 05/01/2015 loekvanraam[a_t]gmail[do_t]com
First of all, your script is great! Thank you very much for sharing!
I have one question, is it possible to break out the login part for the admin, so there is no password neccessary?
Congratulations !posted by Marc on 04/11/2015 marc[do_t]boyer[a_t]free[do_t]fr
Really, I tried tons of scripts or entire website as "cmsgallery"
This one is... very very good.
At the top list
Brilliant !
Support forum not working, need to access admin pageposted by Mike on 05/19/2015 mike[do_t]epp[a_t]gmail[do_t]com
I really like this gallery, but just need to get passed a couple things before integrating into our website. You say the admin page is accessible by http://ourdomain.org/mygallery/?admin=admin
I have the 3 ki folders in my main html folder (ki_config, ki_galleries, ki_base) then in the ki_galleries I have the "sample folder" containing some test images.
how would I access the admin page?
http://ourdomain.org/ki_galleries/sample/?admin=admin -----Error "Directory Listing Denied"
http://ourdomain.org/ki_galleries/?admin=admin -----Error "Directory Listing Denied"
Thank you,
» You got it all wrong. Just open the url where you actually see your gallery and add ?admin=admin to the url.