Documentation - Customizing galleries
All configuration files for the script can be found inside the ki_config folder. Inside there should be at least the ki_setup.php file. This file holds the data needed to style the galleries that don't have an own configuration file. Additionally all global parameters are stored there. You can edit the file by hand or you can use the admin panel - a more comfortable way to edit configuration files.
Configuration file "ki_setup.php"
The following parameters can be set up here. The values are applied to all galleries. The only exception is, when there are additional ki_setup.php - files. If you need to know what certain parameters affect specificly, you can look at the admin panel. These are the default values:
$fr_width = 800;
$fr_height = 300;
$fr_color = "#666666";
$thumbs = 12;
$th_per_line = 6;
$th_lines = "auto";
$th_width = "auto";
$th_height = "auto";
$th_bord_size = 6;
$th_bord_color = "#444444";
$th_bord_hover_color = "#ffffff";
$th_bord_hover_increase = 1.2;
$th_to_square = 1;
$th_2sq_crop_hori = "center";
$th_2sq_crop_vert = "top";
$thumbs_to_disk = 1;
$pic_order = 2;
$resize_auto = 1;
$bord_size = 14;
$bord_color = "#ffffff";
$max_pic_width = 0.8;
$max_pic_height = 0.8;
$oversize_allowed = 0;
$comments = 1;
$comm_text_size = 12;
$comm_text_color = "#000000";
$comm_text_font = "Tahoma, sans-serif";
$comm_text_align = "center";
$comm_auto = 0;
$comm_auto_string = "KoschtIT Image Gallery - Picture %x of %X Filename: %f, Gallery: %g";
$viewercomments = 1;
$vcomm_header_color = "#000000";
$vcomm_box_color = "#000000";
$vcomm_text_color = "#000000";
$vcomm_timedate_color = "#888888";
$vcomm_back_color = "none";
$vcomm_bord_color = "#888888";
$vcomm_horline_color = "#888888";
$slideshow = 1;
$downloadpics = 1;
$checkgps = 1;
$cellinfo = 0;
$show_nav = 1;
$nav_always = 0;
$nav_pos = "right";
$nav_color = "#eee";
$nav_border_color = "#000";
$nav_style = 1;
$show_image_nav = 1;
$image_nav_always = 0;
$show_share = 1;
$show_help = 1;
$help_pos = "left";
$show_preview = 1;
$preview_style = 1;
$preview_pics = 6;
$explorer_padding = 50;
$watermark_hori = "right";
$watermark_vert = "bottom";
$watermark_size = 0;
$fade_color = "#000000";
$fade_alpha = 6;
$shade_while_loading = 0;
$disable_animation = 0;
$slideshow_time = 4000;
$nav_next = "Next page";
$nav_back = "Previous page";
$nav_maxi = "Maximize gallery";
$nav_kiv_next = "Next picture";
$nav_kiv_back = "Previous picture";
$nav_kiv_close = "Close";
$nav_gps_coord = "Show location on map";
$nav_kiv_vcomm = "Add/See viewer comments";
$nav_kiv_download = "Download full resolution picture";
$slideshow_start = "Start slideshow";
$slideshow_stop = "Stop slideshow";
$help_text = "Move your mouse [mouse] beyond the sides of the image to see what image comes next/was last in the gallery. If you move your mouse even further to the border of the window you can see the next/last couple of images. Move your mouse up to the top to view navigation controls and move it down to see a link address of the picture displayed.";
$show_warnings = 1;
$admin = "user";
$pw = "password";
Additional configuration files
Additionally you can have every gallery styled individually. This is an option. To do so you have to create for the particular gallery a file named galleryname_ki_setup.php inside the ki_config folder. If such a file is absent the values inside the ki_setup.php are taken by default.
Of course you can do this also with the admin panel. Just select the setup-file you wish to edit in the "Settings" window. Individual styling may look like this:
$fr_width = 214;
$fr_height = 150;
$thumbs = 1;
$th_per_line = 1;
$th_to_square = 0;
$slideshow = 0;
$show_nav = 0;