Documentation - Installation
You should use this script for adding image galleries to existing websites. There is no "standalone-Version" that runs out of the box. You will need a website, which is ready to get a gallery attached.
Integrating a gallery is very easy and can be done in a few steps. For editing the source code of your website you can use any Text/HTML-editor. Just open the particular file and follow this documentation.
After downloading the script and unzipping the archive you will need to upload all content to your webspace via FTP. The folder ki_galleries is one of three script folders. Here you can create new folders for your galleries. Each gallery needs its own folder. When you created them you can start uploading your images into them. Please assure, that all ki_ - folders have write access for PHP granted.
Adding a gallery to a website
1. For flawless script support by all browsers you have to set the right DOCTYPE. Place it on the top of your source code, even before <html>. If your site is HTML5 use this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
For older HTML4 pages take this tag:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
For XHTML1 pages use this:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
2. Add to your header ( between <head> and </head> ) this line :
<?php include_once("...../ki_include.php"); ?>
Point the right relative path to the ki_include.php if you want to get the ball rolling. It shouldn't matter where exactly you unpacked the script. Please remember that the referring site has to be a PHP site (e.g. *.php) .
3. Add this tag at the spot where you want your picture/gallery to be :
<div class="koschtitgallery" title="sample"></div>
Edit 'title' to specify which gallery folder you want to display. Don't write the gallery folder path into the 'title' - just type the gallery folder name there. You can add this tag various times. That's all for installation.